Sunday, March 10, 2013

Scenes from the Hospital and Outpatient Clinic

Dr. Annelise Olson giving a surgical talk.

One side of the women's ward

Dr. Babatunde charting at the bedside in men's ward.

Susie examining Baby Elijah who was born at 29 weeks, weighing 1350 grams -
he is now 11 days old and doing well!

People lined up in the hallway of the outpatient department.

Discussing meds with a man who has diabetes and high blood pressure.

Susie seeing a mom with her sick child.
A happy mom and her child leaving clinic.

Greeting an especially cute and friendly little girl!
The patient (seated, in black) and his friend (standing in green) are from
Niger and speak Hausa. The lady with the white headscarf, another patient
who speaks Hausa, is translating into Yoruba to the 2 nurses at the right.
The nurses then translate into English for me.

This gentleman is a "chief" who visited the clinic.


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