Saturday, November 16, 2019

Construction !

Since our first visit to Galmi in 2009, there has been a lot of construction and renovation.... new homes built for surgical residents, new obstetric ward, and new surgical wing to name a few projects. Within the last year, the OPD (out-patient department) has been under major remodeling to provide more space for patient waiting, outpatient pharmacy, and more/larger exam rooms for the docs to see patients in.  All of the work is done with very basic equipment and work crews work long hours in extreme heat.

We were excited to learn of plans for a major renovation of the medical wards, where most of our patients stay. The current space is very old, run-down, crowded, and inefficient. Hopefully, funds will be provided so that this project can begin soon!!
Cement made the old fashioned way, then carried in wheel barrows and buckets.

About 3 weeks ago, a room in early stages of renovation.

The same room now....walls plastered and painted, doors hung, electrical outlets and fans connected, ceiling tiles placed, and nice ceramic tile on the floor!!