Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chitokoloki Hospital - A Few of the Memorable People We Met

Susie holding the twins she delivered.

David with an elderly man successfully treated for infection and heart failure.

Nurse Tanis, from Canada.

Nurse JR, from Northern Ireland

Naomi and Rachel, nursing students from Belfast, Northern Ireland

With our special friend, Beatrice, whose father was in for many weeks.

John and Tisa, a husband-wife nursing team.

Glenis, a delightful girl with Down's syndrome, whose sister was a patient.

With Irene, a lady with recurrent fluid buildup around her heart and in her abdomen.

Dr. McAdam and Sumi, director of the HIV Clinic

An old fellow in with an orthopedic problem who was thrilled to receive reading glasses.

On the left is one of the few patients still in the leper colony.

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