Friday, November 5, 2010

Teamwork in Togo

David, anesthetist extraordinaire

Susie with translator Akoelle

                                                              Here at Hospital Baptiste Biblique (HBB), healthcare is a team effort, just like back home. HBB is blessed to have a wonderful staff, many of whom we are able to greet by their first name. In return, they call us Dr. Susie and Dr.  Dave.
Nurses Agbehu and Agbaglo

   The nurses here are quite good. Most have been trained in the HBB nursing program which is directed by several American nurses. The program is 3 years in length and includes both classroom and patient care componenets. The Togolese nurses function similar to American RNs - assessing patients, giving meds, starting IVs, charting progress, and reporting clinical changes to the physicians.

Pastor George at the bedside
    The aides here are similar to those at home - they check vital signs and help with dressing changes.
    The OR crew includes the anesthetist and several others who function like US scrub and circulating nurses. They are quite adept at closing surgical incisions and are often called upon to sew up lacerations that come in to the clinic.
Nurse Zinatou
     In clinic, we rely heavily upon our translators who speak French, the tribal language Ewe, and English. While we are writing in the patients outpatient chart and prescribing meds, they often take the opportunity to share the gospel with the patient and their family.
     An important part of the team are the chaplains and pastors who often make hospital rounds with the doctors and later return to attend to patient spiritual needs and to pray with the patients and their families. We are thankful that we are free to share our faith freely here in Togo!

Aides Selom, Yao, and Daphne
     Family members are critical here. They help with a patient's personal needs, bring in food since we have no cafeteria here, and help with morale support.
Susie with Nurse Gnoyi
David's translator Seto witnessing to a patient and her husband

1 comment:

Ruth T said...

So very interesting to read the accounts of what you're doing & where you are. How blessed indeed are many people because of willing volunteers like you who share Christ's love by giving of their time & medical expertise in such needy places. My prayers are with you.
Ruth TenBrink