Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Snake Bite

A cute 5 year old little girl comes running into the house screaming that a snake has bit her.  The family sees some blood below her left ankle.  They bring her to HBB.  No obvious bite mark is seen and so we check blood tests and begin an IV....we watch.  That night, six hours after there is no sign of trouble. Next morning we see that her leg is warm and swollen.  She is still sleepy but we realize that she cannot open her eyes!!  Time to spring into action.  This means that she has been envenomated by a snake that has neurotoxin.  She receives the IV serum that is effective against West African snakes and we watch her closely.  The paralysis can  advance quickly and quietly so we are ready ....Through the day she received six vials of Inerserp and many visits to assess her.

 Next morning she is bright eyed and eating spaghetti!!  Praise God for conscientious family who brought her to the hospital and the appropriate therapy to save her life.

1 comment:

Moreninha76 said...

Africa as some of the most venomous snakes thank god all was ok.