Sunday, April 17, 2011

ZAMBIA - On to Chitokoloki !!

After our visit with the Murphys, we headed to the Lusaka Airport where we met the pilot of our single engine mission plane that made the 3 hour trip up to Chitokoloki Mission Hospital, in the far northwest of Zambia.

This mural, at the Lusaka airport, shows where Zambia is in the continent of Africa

As we were leaving Lusaka, our old friend Dr. Chuck Miller (an 80 year old pediatrician we had worked with in Togo several years ago) was returning after 3 weeks at Chitokoloki.

Susie and the pilot walking out to our plane.

The Zambesi River is in the foreground; in the background, you can see the airstrip at Chitokoloki.

...coming in for a landing on the half-mile airstrip...not much room for error !!!

Chitokoloki Hospital, distant view.

The  old hospital, current site of lab and outpatient clinic. Note the hospital logo.

At the front entrance of the main hospital - Susie and our friend Fred, the guard.

The hospital was nicely laid out with good signage. "Theatre" is what the Brits call the operating room.